Epic Real Estate CEO and Desert Storm Veteran, Matt Theriault, Exclusively Reveals...


That Has Shaken Up The Real Estate Investing World By Simplifying The Road To Success So Drastically Any Fearful Aspiring Entrepreneur Can Outperform Even The Best of "Real Estate Gurus"

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Six Interactive Sessions Personally Lead LIVE by Matt Theriault

Here's what you get during this 6-week blitz:

  • First up, a deep-dive personality assessment. We'll uncover your unique strengths and areas for growth, along with your personal preferences. It's more than just a quiz – it's the first step in crafting your success story. We're digging deep to understand what makes you tick, so every step forward is perfectly aligned with who you are.

  • Next, we'll dive into the nuts and bolts: your available time, money, and real estate experience. This is where the magic happens. We'll use these insights to match you with an ideal market and strategy, tailored to your resources and lifestyle. Why? Because the best strategy is the one that resonates with YOU – the one you'll pursue consistently and passionately. It's about finding your real estate rhythm, one that syncs seamlessly with your life.

  • Then, we’ll set up your custom battle plan. We're not just talking about any plan here; we're diving into the Wholesale Property Identification Process. This is where we zero in on your target market like a laser so we can crank up the chances of finding motivated property owners who are ready to make a deal. We're not just skimming the surface; we're going deep to unearth the real moneymakers in your market. It's all about getting you right in the sweet spot where the deals are hot and ready.

  • Next on the agenda: Supercharging your marketing and lead generation. We're going to dive into my Curiosity Creator Sequence, crafting a seller-attracting marketing message that's not just high-value, but also sky-high in conversion rates.

  • As we delve into transforming leads into signed contracts, we'll be tossing out those outdated sales tactics that many investors are still clinging to. Instead, you'll discover that simply presenting an offer in the right way can skyrocket your conversion rate.

  • After we've sharpened your conversion skills to ninja-level precision, it's time to master the grand finale – choosing the right exit strategy. This is where the real magic happens. 

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Here's how it will work!

Are You at a Professional Crossroads Hungry for Financial Certainty? 

I want to show you the quickest way to a million dollars a year.

I’m here in Vegas, having just wrapped up an Epic Intensive with some legends, and we finished up talking about the quickest way to get a brand new real estate investing business to a million dollars a year using the tool called tThe 5 Ones.

There are 5 key pieces to a million-dollar real estate investing business if you want to get there fast. If you want to get there slowly, you can break any one of these rules. If you already earn more than a million dollars, you can break any of them as much as you like. But if you’re not there yet, this is the quickest way.

5 things, we want 1 for each of each of them.

1. One Target Market: Focus on a single, promising real estate market. We discussed becoming a savvy market expert and identifying the best investment opportunities.

2. One Investment Strategy: Master one powerful investment strategy. Whether it's flipping, renting, or wholesaling, you’ll want to perfect it, ensuring you make smart, profitable decisions.

3. One Conversion Method: Learn one effective technique to turn leads into real deals. A straightforward approach simplifies the complex, making deal-closing more efficient and successful. Pick one and get good at it.

4. One Lead Source: This is one traffic source you can turn on and get the kind of deals you need to make a million dollars a year. Say goodbye to overwhelming options and hello to a streamlined, effective lead pipeline.

So far, we have a target market, strategy, conversion method, and lead source. We have four of the five. So what’s the fifth one? The one thing everything worthwhile requires.

5. One-Year Commitment: Why one year? Well, it’s gonna take a little while for you to get really really good so you can ramp this thing up.

So instead of having 5 target markets, 3 different strategies, a couple of different conversion methods, and seven different lead sources that you’re trying to master, you’re never gonna get there like that.

What you wanna to do is get one of each and sharpen, sharpen, sharpen. That’s the quickest way to a million dollars a year. If you’d like to join us, COMPLETE THE FORM ABOVE FOR INSTANT ACCESS!



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All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...

If you want more leads, a proven way to turn those leads into paydays, and a killer system to turn it all into a full- or part-time business, the MORE DEALS program could be a great fit.

Click the button below and I’ll send you the details.


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The Tax Hacker eBook Will Reveal...

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How to Earn $200K per Year and Only Get Taxed at 12%

Understand one of the biggest changes in the tax code and how to use it to your advantage!

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How to Get Up to $1 million in Tax Deductions

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Your Tax Hacker Blueprint Will Reveal...

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The attorney will take note of your answers and incorporate them into a customized action plan...

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